Podcast: Bob Chapman Talks to New BW Team Members
August 19, 2022

- Brent Stewart
Digital Strategy & Content Leader at Barry-Wehmiller
Barry-Wehmiller is currently fortunate to be in a period of growth. Because of that growth, we've been excited to add a number of new team members throughout our global organization over the past couple of years.
Recently, our CEO, Bob Chapman, spoke to a group of new Barry-Wehmiller team members in our St. Louis office. One of the attendees was our new receptionist, Kelli Godwin.
Kelli's smiling face is the first you see when you walk into our corporate office building. Though she hasn't been with us long, her warm greetings and attitude of service have made her a great ambassador of our company culture of Truly Human Leadership to visitors.
Kelli hadn't watched Bob speak in person before, so I asked her how his talk made her feel.

"The talk Mr. Chapman gave hit home for me, it even brought on tears," she said. "I had tears because I just couldn’t believe I am with a company that truly cares about their people.
"I think the tears came because companies I have worked for in the past just never cared and I am with a company that cares about each individual and truly wants each person to grow and learn and love where they work and be a family not just a workplace. And I'm able to go home and enjoy the time with family and not stress about work or not be happy to go to work. I am a very positive person and a company like that is hard to find! I still feel like I am in a dream still. When you have that feeling you can sleep well at night."
Like Kelli, those of us in attendance for Bob's talk thought it was inspiring, so we thought we'd share it with you, our podcast listeners. Bob gives a good overview of the history of our company, the development of our culture of Truly Human Leadership and how we are trying to trying to change the world.
We hope you are inspired as well. Oh, by the way, if you're interested in becoming part of the Barry-Wehmiller family, check out the careers page on our website to find a position that is right for you in one of our companies around the world.
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Need help in applying principles of Truly Human Leadership in your organization? Chapman & Co. Leadership Institute is Barry-Wehmiller's leadership consulting firm that partners with other companies to create strategic visions, engage employees, improve corporate culture and develop outstanding leaders through leadership training, assessments and workshops.
Find out more at ccoleadership.com